我从一名普通读者的角度谈谈自己的理解。 我们在手机端收到的新闻头条也叫 push alerts,一般是 breaking news摘要。同一条新闻对应多种不同的英文新闻头条,这是结果。不同的媒体有不同的编辑,而不同的编辑会有不同的表达偏好和表达习惯。不同头条写作的出发点应该是一样的,那就是用清晰、简洁的语言把一则新闻 表达清楚英语头条,让读者一下子就能抓到重点。
这个读者的问题最有价值的地方其实在于,我们可以从 中学习英文写作。以她发的两张截图为例重磅新闻:同一条新闻,为什么英文新闻头条却不同?,我们来具体看看怎样操作。
我先把截图中 7 家国际知名媒体对这条新闻的报道敲出来:
Trump pressured Georgia's secretary of state to overturn Biden's victory during a roughly hourlong call Saturday. The GOP official rebuffed the efforts. (The Wall Street Journal)
In extraordinary hour-long call, Trump pressures Georgia secretary of state to recalculate the presidential vote in his favor. (The Washington Post)
President Trump pressured Georgia's secretary of state to "find" enough votes to overturn the election, according to audio clips from a phone call. (The New York Times)
"I just want to find 11,780 votes"—Trump heard in call pressing top Georgia official to overturn election result. (BBC News)
The President pushed Georgia's secretary of state to" find 11,780 votes" to overturn the election result, audio obtained by The Washington Post shows. (CNN)
In stunning audio obtained by The Wahington Post, Trump urged Ga.'s secretary of state to alter the state's presidential vote tally in his favor. (The Huffington Post)
President Trump pleaded with Georgia's election chief during a phone call to "find" enough votes to hand him the victory over Joe Biden. (AP)
1. 特朗普:
2. 佐治亚州州务卿:
Georgia's secretary of state就是 州务卿一职的称呼; top Georgia official描述了 州务卿的职务高低; Georgia's election chief突出了 州务卿在这个事件中的相关性,即这个职位和选举高度相关。
3. 要求“找到”更多选票来推翻选举结果:
三家媒体引用了特朗普的原话“ find ”, 这个词看似简单,但在这个语境中显示了特朗普对法律和民主的藐视。
pressure是用得最多的动词;此外还有 press, push, urge 和 plead。 pressure, press, push, urge都有“施压”的意思,plead 的意思是“恳求”,和其他几个词的意思差别最大。我个人认为 plead 一词看似客观,实则不够准确。