石 英语,减肥的常用用语


1. Dieter - 这个词指的是正在进行减肥的人,也可以用来形容那些控制饮食的人。例如:
- Many dieters believe that cutting carbs is the best way to lose weight.
- John has been a dieter for years, but he still struggles to maintain a healthy weight.
2. Calorie - 卡路里是衡量食物中能量的单位。在减肥中,控制摄入的卡路里是至关重要的。例如:
- Sara counts her calories carefully to make sure she stays within her daily limit.
- A Big Mac contains over 500 calories, which

is more than a quarter of the recommended daily intake for an adult.
3. Cravings - 渴望食物也是许多减肥者常面临的问题。Cravings指的是突然对某种食物的强烈渴望感。例如:
- Jenny has been having intense cravings for chocolate all week.
- I try to avoid processed foods because they usually leave me with serious cravings for more.
4. Cheat meal - Cheat meal 意味着可以在减肥过程中吃一些不太健康或高热量的食物。例如:
- After eating mostly salads for a week, I treated myself to a cheat meal of pizza and ice cream.
- Many dieters set aside one day a week for a cheat meal so they don't feel deprived.
5. Plateau - plateau 指的是减肥期间体重停滞不前的情况。例如:
- Despite cutting calories and exercising regularly, Sarah's weight has plateaued for the past two weeks.
- One way to overcome a plateau is to switch up your exercise routine or try a different form of exercise.
6. Portion control - 在减肥中,控制食物份量非常重要。portion control 意

- Emily learned the importance of portion control when she realized she was eating double the recommended serving size of pasta.
- Eating off smaller plates is a simple but effective way to practice portion control and reduce overeating.
7. Binge eating - 反复进食指的是无法控制自己进食的行为,通常会带来精神压力和负面影响。例如:
- Jack struggled with binge eating for years before seeking help from a therapist.
- Stress and emotions can often trigger binge eating episodes, so finding healthy ways to cope with these feelings is important.



