知识归纳:【新教材】牛津译林版高中英语必修第一册Unit1 教案Period Two R





高中英语 牛津译林版必修第一册

UUnit 1 Back to School

Period Two Reading I: Teaching Design

Teaching Aims

♦Read Mr Xu’s speech about Realizing your potential and understand a speech;

♦Learn to find out topic sentences and understand the new words and phrases;

Teaching Procedures

Reading Realizing your potential


Last class, we talked aboutthat our senior high school is a time of learning and discovery. How can welearn better and discover more? (lead to Confucius’s saying: Study withoutthinking leads to confusion; thinking without study ends in puzzlement. )

Step2: Pre-reading

Seniorhigh school brings a lot of new experiences to everyone. Today we will read aspeech given to senior high students by Mr Xu, their principal on the first dayof the term. Before the students read the speech transcript , they should thinkabout 2 questions:

Howdo you think senior high school will be different from junior high school?


Whatdo you think the principal will talk about in his speech?

Step3: Detailed reading for important information

1.Listen and name

1). Play the tape and ask the students tolisten carefully and mark the numbers before each paragraph.

2).Introduce the definition of topic sentencess, where can we find them? Ask themto find out the answer on P4 A1

Read Mr Xu’s speech quickly and try to finishA1 on page 4.

(optionalanswers: 1. welcome to senior high school;2.I can’t wait to describe to you what senior high school life is like.3. What is potential? 4. To fully realize your potential, it is important foryou to make the most of our school resources.5. Of equal importance are goodstudy habits, useful skills and a positive attitude. 6. Be confident, do yourbest and make us proud.)

2.Now reread the passage and choose the best answers.

Prensent 4 Questions on ppt.

1.Whatwill open the door to your potential at high school?

2.Howshould you develop your potential at high school?

3.Whyshould you make full use of school resources?

4.Whois the text probably given to?

Answers : CABD

Readthe speech transcript again carefully and answer the questions on P4 A2.

Answers :

1. a new environment, new knowledge and new ways of thinking.


2. He has confidence in our ability to make a difference to our family, to our communityand our country.

3. Our classes, our teachers and classmates, and our school facilities( a lot of school activities)

4. Always look on the bright side and never lose hope, even in difficult situations.

3.Dealing with new words and phrases

Askthe students to read the speech carefully and try to understand the sentences.Find out the words or phrases that you are confused. Tell the students to tryto guess their mearnings according to the form or linked sentences.

Providean exercise on ppt.

Matchthe meanings and part of speech.

Presentall the new words and phrases and read them aloud.

Step4: Post-reading

1. talk about the characters of a speech. Read the part of A3 on p4

2. Pair work. Discuss thefollowing questions.

Ask two or three groups to present in class.

3. Exercise


Highschool is a world full of 1.challenges(challenge)牛津英语高中,suchas new subjects,newexperiences and new ways of 2.thinking(think).Ifyou work hard to get 3.overthe challenges,you have the opportunity 4.to acquire(acquire) greatknowledge and enjoy personal growth.

Athigh school you should try your best to discover your potential.To 5.fully(full) realize yourpotential知识归纳:【新教材】牛津译林版高中英语必修第一册Unit1 教案Period Two R,you ought to make 6.the most of your schoolresources.Of equal importance 7.are(be)your good study habits牛津英语高中,positiveattitudes and useful skills.As a high school student牛津英语高中,youmust be an active and responsible student.8.Intime you will find yourself growing into a well­rounded person.

It'svery important for you to make 9.continuous(continue)efforts to train your mind and develop character.High school will help you grow,realize10.your(you) great potentialand become confident.




