
你老了想做什么的三人英语对话 在人生的旅途中,老化是每个人都不可避免的事情。那么当你老了之后,想做些什么呢?在这个三人英语对话中,我们看看三位老年人的打算。 John: Hi,



John: Hi, Nancy and Bob. As we are all getting older, have you thought about what you want to do in your golden years?

Nancy: Oh, I have thought about it a lot! I would like to

travel more, see more of the world and experience different cultures.

Bob: That sounds like a great idea, Nancy. I would also like to travel more, but I would like to stay closer to home. The United States has so many beautiful places that I have yet to visit.

John: That's a good point, Bob. But I don't think I want to travel at all. Instead, I want to focus on giving back to my community. I want to volunteer more and make a difference in people's lives.

Nancy: That's a really noble goal, John. But don't you want to do anything for yourself?

John: Of course I do, Nancy. I also want to focus on my health and fitness. I want to keep my mind and body active so that I can live a long and fulfilling life.

Bob: That's a great idea, John. I also want to focus on my health. I want to start eating healthier and exercising more.

Nancy: That's a good plan, Bob. But I also have another goal, which is to learn a new skill. I have always been interested in painting, so I want to start taking classes and see where that takes me.

John: That's wonderful, Nancy. Learning new things is a great way to stay engaged and keep your mind sharp.

Bob: I totally agree, John. I also want to learn something new. I want to take up woodworking and start making furniture for my grandchildren.

Nancy: That sounds like a lovely idea, Bob. You are so talented!

John: We all have different goals and aspirations, but I think it's important that we all stay engaged and

active in our golden years.

Bob: Absolutely, John. Life is too short, and we should make the most of it.

Nancy: I couldn't agree more. We should all make sure that we have a plan for what we want to do when we get older.

John: That's right, Nancy. And whatever our plans may be, we should make sure that they bring us happiness and fulfillment.

Bob: Well said, John. We should all strive for a happy and fulfilling life, no matter our age.





