


1. 春节


Chinese New Year is the most important traditional festival in China, and also the most festive, solemn and representative festival for Chinese people. It is usually held around the first day of the Chinese lunar

calendar, marking the beginning of a new year. During the Spring Festival, people will paste spring couplets, do a big cleaning, have a reunion dinner, set off firecrackers, and watch lion and dragon dances and other cultural performances.

2. 清明节


Qingming Festival is a traditional Chinese festival for offering sacrifices to ancestors and expressing affection for the deceased. It is usually held around April 4th or 5th of the Gregorian calendar. People will visit their ancestors' graves, clean up the tombstones, burn paper money and other offerings. In addition, there are activities like spring outings, swing rides, and polo games.

3. 端午节


Dragon Boat Festival is one of the ancient traditional festivals in China, and it falls on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese lunar calendar every year. The most notable activity during this festival is the dragon boat race, but the celebration also includes eating zongzi (a glutinous rice treat), hanging mugwort leaves, and flying kites.

4. 中秋节


Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the four major traditional festivals in China and an important family reunion holiday. It is usually held around the 15th day of the eighth lunar month each year. People will admire the full moon, eat mooncakes, appreciate lantern displays, and also participate in various traditional activities such as building pyramid-shaped piles of fruit and playing an iron ring tossing game.

5. 国庆节


National Day is a statutory

holiday in China and also commemorates the establishment of the People's Republic of China. National Day is usually held on October 1st each year, and celebrations include raising the national flag, military parades and other programs. Moreover, this holiday is also a good time for people to travel and explore the country.




