

第一部分 听对话回答问题
1. What sport does the boy like best?
2. When does the dance club meet?
3. Where does the girl come from?
4. What does the man suggest the woman do?
5. What time will the concert begin?
第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题
6. What will the weather be like tomorrow?
7. What should the girl wear?
8. Where are the speakers?
9. What is the boy looking for?
10. How did the writer feel when she arrived in a foreign country?
11. What helped the writer feel better?
12. How long did it take the writer to feel at home in the foreign country?
第一部分 词汇和语法选择(15分)
13. Don't forget __________ your room before you leave.
A. to clean B. clean C. cleaning D. cleaned
14. The grass is too long. It __________ now.
A. needs cutting B. needed to cut C. has been cut D. should cut
15. Lucy speaks Chinese very __________, so she can communicate with the local people.
A. good B. fluently C. badly D. slow
16. The book __________ not mine. It belongs to a friend of mine.
A. is B. was C. are D. were
17. My sister is __________ than me.
A. more smart B. smarter C. the smartest D. most smart
18. We haven't got __________ bread left. We need to buy some more.
A. no B. any C. some D. many
19. The movie __________ three hours. I didn't expect it to be so long.
A. lasts B. lasted C. will last D. is lasting
20. Tom is good at sports, __________ he's not good at math.
A. or B. but C. and D. so
第二部分 完形填空(15分)
My brother, Bob, lives in a small town where he works as a teacher. One day, when he was walking to his 21, he saw an old lady fall down in the street. Bob 22 her up and found that she was hurt badly. He called the ambulance and stayed with her until it arrived. The old lady 23 his help very much and thanked him many times for 24 help.
After that, two 25 days had passed. When Bob was walking to work, he met the old lady. This time the lady was 26 a younger woman. It turned out that the woman was the old lady's daughter, who did not live in the same town but came back 27 visit her mother. She thanked Bob as well and asked him, "You are so kind. Is there anything I can do for you?" Bob 28 for a moment and then said, "Yes, you can help me find a good restaurant." The 29 lady asked him why, and Bob explained that he had been looking for a good seafood restaurant in this area for months, but he had not found one yet. So the lady 30 him to her favourite seafood restaurant and treated him to a delicious seafood meal.
21. A. house B. school C. hospital D. park
22. A. picked B. sent C. made D. carried
23. A. accepted B. refused C. missed D. needed
24. A. little B. much C. few D. many
25. A. other B. another C. others D. the others
26. A. with B. without C. is D. of
27. A. to B. with C. for D. in
28. A. thought B. believed C. hoped D. drank
29. A. young B. old C. elderly D. middle-aged
30. A. took B. carried C. sent D. lead
第三部分 阅读理解(30分)
Pets can be great companions for children. Not only can they provide kids with entertainment and comfort, they can teach them about responsibility and caring for others as well. Here are some great pets for kids:
1. Fish: Fish are great for kids because they are low maintenance and don't take up much space. However, kids should be taught to clean their tank regularly and feed them properly.
2. Hamsters: Hamsters are small, cute, and easy to take care of. Kids love to watch them run on a wheel, but remember they're nocturnal animals and will be more active while everyone else is sleeping.
3. Guinea pigs: Guinea pigs are gentle and friendly, making them great pets for children. They are social and love being in groups, so it's better to buy two or more guinea pigs instead of having just one.
4. Cats: Cats are popular pets, and they can be great companions for kids. They are independent, but still offer love and affection. However, children should be taught how to handle them properly to avoid getting scratched or bitten.
5. Dogs: Dogs are loyal, friendly and energetic. They love spending time with kids and make great playmates. However, dogs require a lot of care and exercise, so they aren't the best choice for busy families.
31. According to the passage, what can pets do for children?
A. Provide children with companionship and entertainment.
B. Teach children how to be responsible and care for others.
C. Both A and B.
D. Neither A nor B.
32. What's a main advantage of keeping fish as a pet?
A. They are loyal and friendly.
B. They do not require much space.
C. They will be more active while everyone else is sleeping.
D. They are social and love being in groups.
33. According to the passage, how should children handle cats?
A. They should play with cats as often as possible.
B. They should be taught how to handle cats properly.
C. They should be told to stay away from cats.
D. They should make sure that cats get enough exercise.
I first met Lingling on the playground in primary school. When I saw her, I knew we were going to be friends. She had a friendly smile and was wearing a beautiful dress that her mother made for her. We had a good time together and soon became best friends.
When we were in middle school, Lingling moved to another city with her family. I was very sad because I didn't know if we would still be friends. However, we managed to stay in touch and wrote to each other every month.
Last year, we both graduated from high school and decided to visit each other. I was really excited because I hadn't seen her for a long time. When I saw Lingling, she was even more beautiful than I remembered. She had long hair and a lovely smile. We talked about the old days and how much we missed each other. We also compared and shared our experiences in high school.
Although we live in different cities and lead different lives, Lingling and I are still good friends. We keep in touch regularly and visit each other when we can. I feel very lucky to have a friend like Lingling in my life.
34. Where did the author first meet Lingling?
A. In middle school. B. In high school.
C. On the playground in primary school. D. In a different city.
35. How often did the author and Lingling write to each other when they were in middle school?
A. Every day. B. Every week.
C. Every month. D. Rarely.
36. According to the passage, how does the author feel about Lingling?
A. The author thinks Lingling is very beautiful.
B. The author thinks Lingling is very lucky.
C. The author thinks Lingling is very rich.
D. The author thinks Lingling is a good friend.
第四部分 任务型阅读(20分)
Many people in different countries celebrate Christmas, but the holiday is celebrated in different ways. Here are some customs from different countries:
Country Customs
Italy People in Italy light candles and attend midnight mass.
Brazil People in Brazil decorate their homes with flowers and have big meals with family and friends.
Japan In Japan, people give each other gifts, and eat a meal that is similar to a Christmas cake.
Mexico People in Mexico have parades with costumes and decorations, and whack at pi?atas filled with candy.
The United States People in the US decorate Christmas trees, and give each other gifts.
South Africa People in South Africa often spend Christmas day at the beach, since it's summer there.
Australia In Australia, people celebrate "Christmas in July" because July is the middle of winter there.
37. How do the people in Italy celebrate Christmas?

38. What do people in Brazil do during Christmas celebrations?
39. What do people in Japan eat during Christmas?
40. What do people in Mexico do during Christmas parades?
41. What do people in the US do to celebrate Christmas?
42. Where do people in South Africa often spend Christmas day?
43. Why do people in Australia celebrate "Christmas in July"?

1-5 BCACA 6-7 BB 8-9 BC 10-12 CAB
13-17 ACBBC 18-20 BAA
31-33 CDB
34- C
35- C
36- D
37. People in Italy light candles and attend midnight mass.
38. People in Brazil decorate their homes with flowers and have big meals with family and friends.
39. In Japan, people eat a meal that is similar to a Christmas cake.
40. People in Mexico have parades with costumes and decorations, and whack at pi?atas filled with candy.
41. People in the US decorate Christmas trees, and give each other gifts.
42. People in South Africa often spend Christmas day at the beach, since it's summer there.
43. In Australia, people celebrate "Christmas in July" because July is the middle of winter there.



