


1. 在景区购票

Tourist: Excuse me, where can I buy the tickets for this scenic spot?

导游:Hello. You can buy the ticket at the ticket office over there.

Tourist: Ok, how much is the ticket?

导游:The ticket is 120 yuan per person.

Tourist: Is there any discount for students or senior citizens?

导游:Yes, we have a 50% discount for students and a 20% discount for senior citizens.

Tourist: Great, I’m a student and I want to buy a ticket.

导游:Great. Please show me your student ID and you only need to pay 60 yuan.

2. 在景区寻求帮

Tourist: Excuse me, do you speak English?

当地人:Yes, I can speak a little English. What can I help you with?

Tourist: Can you tell me how to get to the main entrance of the scenic spot?

当地人:Sure. Just go straight along this road for about 500 meters, and you will see the main entrance.

Tourist: Thank you very much.

当地人:You’re welcome. Have a nice trip.

3. 在景区拍照

Tourist: Excuse me, can you help me take a photo?

当地人:Of course. Where do you want to take a photo?

Tourist: How about here, with the beautiful lake and mountain in the background?

当地人:Ok, stand here and smile, please. One, two, three, say cheese!

Tourist: Thank you so much. The photo is great.

当地人:It’s my pleasure. Enjoy your trip.

4. 在景区购物

Tourist: Excuse me, how much is this beautiful handcraft?

商户:Hello. This handcraft is 100 yuan.

Tourist: Can you give me

a discount?

商户:Sure. How about you buy two, and I will give you ten percent off?

Tourist: Ok, I’ll take two. Thank you.

商户:You’re welcome. Enjoy your shopping.

5. 在餐馆点餐

Tourist: Hello, do you have an English menu?

服务员:Yes. Here you are. Do you need any help?

Tourist: Yes, can you recommend some specialties here?

服务员:Our most popular dishes are Xuanwei ham, Crossing Bridge Rice Noodles and spicy hotpot.

Tourist: I’d like to have a bowl of Crossing Bridge Rice Noodles, please.

服务员:Sure. Anything else?

Tourist: Can I have a cup of hot tea as well?

服务员:Sure. Coming right up.




